Sitemap - 2022 - Bill Emmott's Global View

A year that drew at least three clear lines

The indispensable but always irksome nation

The Napoleons of Big Tech

Japan's cheap labour 'form of capitalism'

The devilishly difficult task of avoiding geopolitical dependency

Rishi Sunak, Britain's third prime minister this year

On revolving door Britain

The (re)unmasking of Silvio Berlusconi as the real Italian enemy of democracy and Europe

Humility, liberalism and the state of geopolitics

Liz Truss's economic-or is it political?- gamble that looks like a boomerang

Giorgia Meloni's moment

The paradoxical power of the monarchy's powerlessness

How Japanese businesses need to think about Ukraine and the energy shock

The new importance of Chinese weakness

The political trail left by half a century as Prince of Wales

The long century of Queen Elizabeth II

The best thing about Prime Minister Truss is that this means the next general election will be sooner

Always look on the bright side...

The trouble with Italy's rightists

Addio, Draghi

Italy's ridiculous but predictable crisis

The assassination of Shinzo Abe

Boris Johnson and the price of dishonesty

In support of Claudia Mo and the Hong Kong 47, political prisoners of the Chinese government

Stay cool about the two-camp world

Johnson thinks he is like Churchill, but his true equivalents are Trump and Berlusconi

The "Quad", the "BRICS" and the battle to seduce India

Japanese takeaways

The case for Japanese firms to withdraw from investments in Russia

Making sense of China's lukewarm attitude to Russia's war

If we could manage the pandemic emergency, we can manage to stop buying Russian gas

Democracies' support for Ukraine needs to know "no limits", just like the Russia-China partnership

On War, UK-Japan, W.H. Auden, Breaking the Bias, and Grime music

More on the new Cold War

Brave Ukraine, brutal Russia and the new Cold War

Africa and the perpetual pandemic

Italy's Commedia del Presidente

A lying shit who likes to be liked

Relations with Russia and the principles of international order